This is for you if

Behaviour/misbehaviour. Discipline/punishment. These aspects of parenting often cause the most upheaval in a family. The strategy you will learn in this webinar will set both you and your boys up for success, rather than continuing a path of repetition of failure.

  • You find that you are having the same discipline issues over and over with your son.

  • You are becoming increasingly frustrated that your son just doesn't seem to be learning how to change his behaviour and keeps getting in trouble.

  • You are wondering if you should be even more strict in your punishments.

  • You recognize that what you are doing now isn't working, but you are not sure what else you can do.

Learn a step-by-step strategy that will help guide your son through the aftermath of explosive emotions and set the groundwork for future success.

Your son doesn't want to misbehave but he doesn't always have control of his emotions. You can guide him through troubling times while still keeping his self-esteem high and empowering him for future encounters. Growing up as a boy isn't easy - he needs your help. This webinar is that help.

Meet your instructor:

Kathryne Imabayashi

 Although I started out in Canada, my thirst for adventure has led me to a variety of places that I have called home. Whether in Canada, Japan, Lebanon, Thailand, Georgia or Qatar I have always been inspired to do my very best for children, their teachers and their parents. My expertise comes not only from 45 years working with children from toddlers to teens, but from all that I have learned while raising a male child myself. I have spent almost three decades researching the dichotomy between what our boys are and what society often tells them they are. Credentials: Canadian Teachers License; Bachelor of Science in Education; Master of Education.

Kathryne Imabayashi

Author, Early Years Specialist, Parent Coach

Priced to be affordable for all parents