This is for you if you

Communication is how we stay connected to our children. Improving our skills for listening and talking will keep our connection deep, even through challenging times.

  • Want to be able to recognize the obstacles you are unconsciously presenting that are hindering communication.

  • Hear yourself being judgemental or sarcastic and feel your child shutting you out.

  • Can't pinpoint the cause but feel your child is resisting your advice or feedback.

  • See punishment creating even more blocks in your communication with your child.

  • Are looking for clear step by step details for working out problems effectively.

What's Inside The Course?

  • Talking & Listening: Why?

    We explore 4 questions that impact our communication.

  • The Link Between Feelings & Emotions

    What emotions are behind behaviour?

  • Ways We Get It Wrong

    Roadblocks we face when responding to our child in distress.

  • 4 Ways To Get It Right

    Simple strategies to make it work.

  • Why We Can't Accept Our Child's Feelings?

    What prevents us from being able to really accept what our child says?

  • Punish? or Not?

    How does punishment affect both our communication and our connection?

  • Autonomy & Praise

    Words that can help or hinder when developing independence and self-esteem.

  • In A Nutshell

    Connecting all of the dots.

I Know The Damage Miscommunication Can Have on Parental Relationships

Kathy Imabayashi, M.Ed.

Like too many other adult children, miscommunication robbed me of more than a year of connection with my own father. The power of talking and listening is always strong and can have tremendous impact on our relationships. I wish I knew then what I know now! Parents want to stay connected with their children and sometimes our lack of skill in communication sabotages that. By becoming aware of the pitfalls and developing better strategies and skills, we have a much greater chance of staying truly connected with our children, forever.
Kathy Imabayashi,  M.Ed.

Your Investment

For a limited time only, Talking & Listening to Children is being offered at this low price.

These are the most frequently asked questions about Talking & Listening To Children:

  • I am a really busy parent and time is not something I have a lot of. Just how much of a time commitment is this course?

    You can binge and do this course in one sitting or dribble out the 7 modules when you have the time. Each module's video is short - knowing how busy parents are! - averaging about 5 minutes. We can all find 5 minutes! The time investment is around implementing the strategies and understandings you get from the module. That can be paced at whatever is comfortable and convenient for you. Once these practices become habits, you will find you have more time since your communication will be smoother with your son, and you will be spending less time with conflict.

  • There is a lot of FREE material out there about communication. Why should I invest in a paid course?

    Here is the scoop. There is lots of information out there but not all will be focused particularly on boys, or shared by someone with more than three decades of personal learning and growth on the topic as well as four decades of actual in the field, first hand experience. I know what I am talking about and you will have it all in one place.