Raising a boy in the 21st Century requires not only finely-tuned parenting skills but also the passion to discover the inner emotional world of your son and acquire the strategies needed to support him into becoming a remarkable man.

What will happen when you find those SuperPowers?

  • You will clearly see that your parenting has been impacted by unconscious gender stereotypes.

  • You will recognize gender differences, both physical and relational, and be able to use strategies that are more effective in raising your son.

  • You will feel more confident with your parenting skills to create a loving family that respects gender differences and intentionally parent your son into a remarkable man.

7 SuperPowers Parents of Young Boys Need

The Advanced Course

Change your perspective 

ease behavioural challenges. 

Your son needs you to be his hero.

In this course you will discover seven key areas that can trigger conflict at home when not understood. You will deepen your understanding of the emotional world of boys and how best to support it. You will become an advocate for your boy.

This course is for you if.....

Are you ready to intentionally parent your son into a Remarkable Man?

  • you are ready to discover and examine the hidden influences that are negatively impacting how you are parenting your son

  • you are committed to to understanding and supporting your son's emotional world

  • you will do whatever it takes to help your son become all he can be

But what about if things are good in our family. Should we still take the course? YES! You don't yet know what you don't know. And that 'knowing' will be a game changer! And if you are just starting out on your parenting journey you are in the perfect position to powerfully impact your parenting skills. Don't wait - jump on board!

Who is Kathryne Savage Imabayashi & Why Can She Help You?

Parents of Boys Coach / Early Years Specialist / Author

Great question! I am an Early Years Specialist with more than four decades of experience in international educational settings. Guiding children and their parents as they are making sense of their world has been my life-time mission, with an intense focus and passion to help us raise our boys better.

I am a Parents of Boys Coach, on a mission to open the doors for parents to understand the emotional world of their sons. My goal is to help make this world a better place for all the little boys who are struggling with the pressures of society, and to open their parents' eyes as to how they can help them.

Most importantly, I am the proud parent of a boy and have intentionally raised my son to be aware of gender biases he will face. I had to start from scratch to learn all I could about raising boys at a time when it wasn't really popular to go against the 'boys will be boys' mentality.

Raising a child should be filled with joy, love and laughter. I want to help you create a home where communication is constant and open, where discipline is viewed as guidance, where energy is positively challenged and where your son can express all the emotions he feels. All of our children deserve this.

When we are unaware that there is a problem with how we are raising boys, then we are often perpetuating it. When we are unaware, we unconsciously continue with deeply ingrained gender biases. But we don't need to! We simply have to become knowledgeable and implement strategies that will help our boys be able to be their authentic selves, even when things are tough. 

I can guarantee your world will change when you see it through your son's eyes. You will never parent the same after completing this course!

What you will learn:

  • Week 1

    Your journey of discovery will have you examining your unconscious biases around gender, and connecting how that is affecting your parenting. You will also learn why the Boy Code is critical to recognize and understand.

  • Week 2

    We examine the most debilitating emotion for boys - shame - and look at every day examples. A cheat sheet will give you the words you need to make changes and avoid shaming language. A shame-free zone will be explained.

  • Week 3

    This session looks at a boy's need for timed silence. Verbal and nonverbal strategies for communication during and after a challenging event will be explained. Learn how you can naturally support your boy's communication style.

  • Week 4

    Sometimes by understanding basic differences in genders can greatly impact how we parent our children. This lesson will give you the knowledge you need to ask a question that will have a huge impact on your relationship with your son.

  • Week 5

    This session is full of golden nuggets around the most challenging areas of parenting - discipline. We will explore the emotions that are really behind negative behaviour and how to handle them in a loving way, focusing on staying connected to your son.

  • Week 6

    We will look deeply into communication, with a focus on gender differences. The nature/nurture dilemma will be examined in light of new information that will impact your parenting. You will learn ways to support your son's communication needs in very practical ways.

  • Week 7

    By understanding some of the basics of your boy's brain you will know how best to use movement to improve communication. You will look into some behavioural issues and how to use action to deal with them and connect the type of action to your boy's character type.

The Special Extras!

  • 7 SuperPowers Workbook

    This workbook will help you navigate this course and take it to a deeper level. Work through the workbook as you progress through the course, with special instructions at the start of each module.

  • 7 Superpowers Parents of Young Boys Need

    Enjoy the support of like-minded parents and be part of a members only Facebook community where knowledge is shared and questions discussed. Students who complete this course, The Advanced Course: 7 Superpowers Parents of Young Boys Need, will have access to ongoing weekly Q&As. (course members only group)

  • Free Private Consultation

    One free 30 minute coaching call to be used within 3 months from enrolment.

Your Price (Limited Time Only)

Seven Week Course + Accompanying Workbook + One Free Private 1-to-1 Consultation + Private FB Group with Weekly Live Q & A