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    1. 5-Pivotal-Tips-on-Parenting-Boys-**pdf

About this course

  • Free
  • 1 lesson
  • 0 hours of video content


Simple & Effective Strategies that will have a momentous impact and will change forever how you and your boys relate.

  • The Boys Code says “Boys will be boys! Boys should be boys! Boys are toxic.” Learn more how this impacts both your parenting and your son.

  • The Shame Free Zone: Girls are sensitive to shame, but boys fear it and will do anything to avoid the possibility of experiencing it.

  • Timed Silence: Boys often need time to be silent before they are ready to share their feelings, especially after an emotionally charged experience.

  • Hearing: Boys and girls do not hear the same.

  • The Discipline Rule - The importance of an emotional bank account

  • Connection Through Action: Boys communicate easier when there is some kind of action involved


Instructor Bio:

 Although I started out in Canada, my thirst for adventure has led me to a variety of places that I have called home. Whether in Canada, Japan, Lebanon, Thailand, Georgia or Qatar I have always been inspired to do my very best for children, their teachers and their parents. My expertise comes not only from 45 years working with children from toddlers to teens, but from all that I have learned while raising a male child myself. I have spent almost three decades researching the dichotomy between what our boys are and what society often tells them they are. Credentials: Canadian Teachers License; Bachelor of Science in Education; Master of Education.

Kathryne Imabayashi

Author, Early Years Specialist, Parent Coach